Sunday, January 23, 2011

Its a jungle out the kitchen

I just have to say that this may be the coolest cake I have every made! This cake ROCKS! And I don't mind saying so.It really bothered me that the kids devoured it in a matter of minutes and tore into my little animals like they were the animals. I mean this cake took a lot of work, I'm just saying that maybe we could have had a moment of silence before consuming it like ravenous jungle creatures. If you want to know the truth this cake took ALL WEEK to make and I shed many tears over it. I almost had to check myself into loony bin and don a straight jacket or join a fondant-gumpaste support group. I'm telling you my anxiety level was through the roof as I tried to craft the perfect animal (my first few attempts didn't even resemble living creatures).Eventually, with lots of support from my kids and hubby and hours of watching You Tube videos I finished my little herd. The hard part was over or so I thought.
With the house quiet I started making the buttercream but something went horribly wrong. I followed the recipe exactly but the frosting was soupy. Not fluffy or creamy but soupy. I cried. I searched the internet for answers. I cried. It was Sunday and I didn't have the supplies to start over. I cried some more and pulled myself to together and started dumping in more powdered sugar....anything to thicken to sugar soup. It seemed to work so I frosted up the cake, stuck it into the fridge, and went to lay down.
Fast forward an hour or two. I'm still recouping in my bed from the buttercream disaster and the kids come home. The first real sound I hear is "OH, NO!!! MOM, I'M SO SORRY. I'M SO SORRY. SORRY...SORRY....SORRY!" I knew by the frantic pitch and accompanying thud that my precious cake with the precarious icing job had landed on the kitchen floor. It had taken a beautiful swan dive off the top shelf of the fridge. I couldn't even get out of bed to console my daughter or asses the damage....I was paralyzed. My sweet husband sensing my predicament brought the cake to me. Quickly I pulled the pillows over my head and meekly said, "I can't look please take it away." He assured me that it was still edible and in "fine shape" but I couldn't bare to look. I knew that my cake making days were over and that my birthday boy would have no cake.

But like all good cake decorators I managed to pull myself together, drag myself out of bed and face the cake, which actually had survived the fall. We renewed determination I slapped on the fondant, threw the animals in place, and sang Happy Birthday to my little guy. With vision of straight jackets out of my head I'm ready for my next adventure.

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