Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pretty in Pink

January, the start of a new year, a time for each of us to reevaluate our lives and make resolutions to eat less sugar, exercise more, go to bed earlier, turn off the computer and reconnect with our families. Sounds good, right? Perhaps, but it isn't happening around here!! Nope we are starting out our year with some lofty sugary aspirations that will require total commitment. This type of complete devotion requires one to taste test every imaginable buttercream recipe while devouring spoonfuls of cream filling. The only running will be to Walmart for supplies or after a toddler for stealing gum paste flowers. Complete devotion requires one to sacrifice sleep in order to create amazing works of edible art in peace, usually between 1-2am. Finally, children must be ignored, chores left undone, and laundry piled high in order to give cake blogs, fondant tutorials, and various internet recipe searches their due attention. It's going to be a good year. Having said all that I present to first cake of the year!!! Actually, if truth be told this cake should have been the last cake of the year 2010, but the birthday girl didn't mind waiting. This cake went off without a hitch. Of course, I did assemble it well after the munchkins went to bed. However, looks can be deceiving. What this picture doesn't tell you is the number of times my 2 year old put his hand in the butter cream or how many times the fondant was dropped on the floor or....well....I guess I can spare you some of the details. Let's just say it was a good thing this was a "family party."
Normally I'm a bit of control freak, and I don't mind saying so, when it comes to decorating my cakes. After all it's my hobby. For the sake of family unity and passing on creative fulfillment to my children I'm starting to let them "help" just a little. My first baby step was to let Elaina make the smash cake. She did a great job and it wasn't as hard as I thought letting her join in on my fun. Next time I'll do better about letting her make her own creative steps.

1 comment:

  1. I keep coming back to look at this cake almost every day! You did a great job with the color and details; my favorite kind of flowers. Wow! Elaina, you are going to be an awesome cake decorator someday!

